My Purpose

Hey guys! I created this blog as kind of an exercising/healthy eating journal for me, hopefully to solicit some encouragement, advice, and support from you. I thought a blog would give me a sense of accountability to you, the reader, and therefore would help me get my lazy behind out of bed or off the couch, and "get-er done!" This is an interactive blog so please, comment! (so I know you're there). Due to an ongoing low energy problem, and a personal goal to improve my fitness and eat healthier, I'm doing the "couch potato to 5K" training program and am just starting to follow Dana Thornock's "Lean and Free 2000 plus" which tells you how to eat 2000 to 4000 total calories a day, from all food groups, and still lose weight, get slim, and have energy. I feel strongly that a "Word of Wisdom" way of eating (found in the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 89) is the very best, and Dana follows this perfectly. It is my great desire to "run and not be weary, and walk and not faint!"

Please join me!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week Three Goal Met!

My ultimate goal is to do the 5K in 30 minutes.  Every week after my three "programmed runs" I do a 5K run, last weeks was 40 minutes, and my goal this week was 38 minutes.  I made it!!  I tried to make it so that I walk a warm down at the end and still make it, but I wasn't going to so I sprinted for the last minute.  I came in the house sweating like a pig in July, but I made it!  I realize that I could have pushed a little harder at the beginning, but since I'm a true blue procrastinator thru and thru, I did things the only way I know how I guess!  I need a stopwatch that goes around my neck, I've dropped my cell phone too many times, lol.
Next weeks workout:  Walk-5min, Run-3min, W-3min, R-5min, W-4min, R-3min, W-10min, R-5min, cool down-10min.  48 minutes total, better get up early!  3 days of this, then 5K in 36 min.

1 comment:

  1. Jen -- Congratulations on making your week three goal. Keep up the good work. You certainly have a beautiful place to run and enjoy the outdoors. Thanks for joining Team ZIP ( and helping promote BEEF as part of a healthy lifestyle!

